Taylor Handley talks about ‘Mayor of Kingstown’

[Interview in English & Spanish]
The O.C., CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Dawson's Creek, and Frasier are just a few of the well-known TV shows in which Taylor Handley has made an appearance. These days, Chasing Mavericks, Vegas, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning are his most well-known works.
In an interview with Padrisimo Magazine, Handley chatted about Mayor of Kingstown season 2.
What’s going to surprise people about the second season of Mayor of Kingstown?
T: Season one was so explosive. When I knew, we were going to do season two, I was like, “How are we going to top this?” It’s such an incredible series written by Taylor Sheridan. He does such fantastic work, and he's assembled such an amazing team. We come in with a bang. Taylor wrote the first couple episodes, and he just set us on track for a wild second season.
The viewers are really going to enjoy it. If they enjoyed the first season, they will be blown away by the second season.
In the second season, what can we expect from your character, Kyle McLusky?
T: When you left off on season one, Kyle was in a tough place. He’d just spent the previous two episodes as a detective in a prison riot, hearing for his life and fearing the end of his life. So, when we pick up on season two, it’s about three to four weeks after the Prison Riot. Kyle, my character, is just running as fast as he can toward some answers because he is upset with himself.
He’s disappointed in himself. He’s ashamed, and he’s running from that shame, and he’s trying to prove to himself that he can re-enter the human race.
You’ll also appear in Griselda, a new Netflix series. Do tell!
T: First, I love this story because I remember being on a trip with my friends. We were halfway down between Tijuana and Cabo, and they were all talking to me about on Narcos: Mexico, and I hadn’t seen it. When I got home, I put on Narcos: Mexico, and I couldn’t stop watching it. As I was watching the series, I kept seeing Andrés Baiz. And I was like, “His episodes were just remarkable.” And I said to myself, “I want to work with that guy.”
A couple of months later, I got this audition for Griselda, and it was directed by Andrés Baiz and written by a friend of mine, so I put my audition on tape, and a week later I had the part. In the late 1970s, I played the sleazy Miami cop. I played the partner of the female detective, who’s the one responsible for bringing down Griselda Blanco.
What was it like working with Sofia Vergara?
T: Unfortunately, I didn’t get to share any screen time with her, but from what I heard, she was fantastic.
'The OC, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation’, ‘Dawson's Creek’ y ‘Frasier’ son solo algunos de los conocidos programas de televisión en los que Taylor Handley ha aparecido. Actualmente, ‘Chasing Mavericks’, ‘Vegas’ y ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning’ son sus obras más conocidas.
En entrevista con Padrísimo Magazine, Handley habló sobre la segunda temporada de la serie de televisión de suspenso y crimen ‘Mayor of Kingstown’.
¿Qué va a sorprender a la gente sobre la segunda temporada de ‘Mayor of Kingstown’?
T: La primera temporada fue tan explosiva que cuando supe que íbamos a hacer la segunda temporada, pensé “¿Cómo vamos a superar esto?” Es una serie increíble escrita por Taylor Sheridan. Hace un trabajo fantástico y ha reunido a un equipo increíble. Entramos con fuerza. Es una segunda temporada salvaje.
Los espectadores realmente lo van a disfrutar. Si disfrutaron la primera temporada, quedarán impresionados con la segunda temporada.
En la segunda temporada, ¿qué podemos esperar de tu personaje, ‘Kyle McLusky’?
T: En la primera temporada, ‘Kyle’ estaba en un lugar realmente difícil. Acababa de pasar los dos episodios anteriores como detective en un motín en la prisión, luchando por su vida y temiendo que ese fuera el final de su vida. Mi personaje está decepcionado de sí mismo. Está avergonzado, y está huyendo de esa vergüenza, y está tratando de probarse a sí mismo que puede volver a reintegrarse a la raza humana.
También aparecerás en ‘Griselda’, una nueva serie de Netflix. ¡Cuéntanos!
T: En primer lugar, me encanta esta historia porque recuerdo estar de viaje con mis amigos. Estábamos a mitad de camino entre Tijuana y Cabo, y todos me hablaban de ‘Narcos: México’, y yo no lo había visto. Cuando llegué a casa, puse ‘Narcos: México’ y no podía dejar de verla. Mientras veía la serie, seguía viendo a Andrés Baiz. Y yo estaba como, “Sus episodios fueron simplemente extraordinarios”. Y me dije a mí mismo “Quiero trabajar con ese tipo”.
Un par de meses después tenía una audición para ‘Griselda’, y está dirigida por Andrés Baiz y escrita por un amigo mío, así que grabé mi audición y una semana después tenía el papel. A fines de la década de 1970, interpreté a un policía de Miami. Mi compañera fue la detective, que en realidad es la responsable de acabar con Griselda Blanco.
¿Cómo fue trabajar con Sofía Vergara?
T: Desafortunadamente, no pude compartir pantalla con ella, pero por lo que escuché, estuvo fantástica.